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Rena E. Anderson Scrapbook Edit


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Rena E. Anderson Scrapbook 1917-1927
Level of Description


  • 1917 – 1927 (Creation)

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  • Scope and Contents

    This scrapbook contains a collection of Clarion State Normal School memorabilia from 1917-1919. The scrapbook also contains memorabilia from other schools including Grove City College and Bucknell University from later years. The name Rena E. Anderson is inscribed on the first page of the book. Included among the contents are the following. This is not a comprehensive list:

    June 26, 1918 Commencement Program for Clarion State Normal School

    November 29, 1917 program for a Clarion Normal School senior class play, "Our Mutual Friend" by Charles Dickens

    1918 Clarion State Normal School "Class Day" program

    Thanksgiving Night, 1918 Clarion Normal School senior class play program, "Mrs. Tubbs Does Her Bit" by Walter Ben Hare (A note in the scrapbook indicates that the play was "so well received that it was decided to have it given a second time, June 28, 1919.")

    June 28, 1919 ticket stub for senior class play, "Mrs. Tubbs Does Her Bit."

    October 22, 1917 program for "Chicago Orchestral Choir" concert at Clarion State Normal School

    Program for February 22, 1918 Junior Party at Clarion State Normal School

    Program for February 21, 1919 Junior Prom

    Program for January 18 (year unknown) Junior Party

    Program for Clarion State Normal School December 14, 1918 Term Recital

    January 11, 1919 program from Senior Banquet in honor of the caste, class play of 1918

    December 8, 1917 Clarion State Normal School Student Recital program

    Clarion State Normal School receipts to Rena Anderson for various fees: $1.50 for zoology fee for the fall term, 1917; $2.50 for chemistry fee for the fall term 1917; $2.50 for domestic science fee for Winter term 1918.

    Clarion State Normal School program for the February 4, 1918 Young Women's Christian Association play, "The Farmerette" by E.G. Whiting

    Clarion State Normal School program for the December 16, 1917 Christmas carol services by the Model School, Girls' Glee Club

    R. Anderson class schedule (n.d.)

    Various receipts for "enrollment fee," etc. paid

    Menu from November 29, 1917 Clarion State Normal School Thanksgiving Dinner. Included are the lyrics to a song titled, "Clarion, My Clarion" which was to be sung to the tune of "Maryland, My Maryland."

    Menu from November 28, 1918 Clarion State Normal School Thanksgiving Dinner.

    Clarion Normal Laundry receipt (n.d.)

    Clarion State Normal School "Excuse Card", 1918

    June 19-21, 1918 U.S. History State Board Examination questions

    American Literature exam questions (n.d.)

    English Literature exam questions (n.d.)

    Psychology exam questions (n.d.)

    German exam questions (n.d.)

    Geography exam questions (n.d.)

    Physiology exam questions (n.d.)

    Civics exam questions (n.d.)

    Arithmetic exam questions (n.d.)

    Grammar exam questions (n.d.)

    Astronomy exam questions (n.d.)

    Geology exam questions (n.d.)

    State Board Examinations Schedule for June 19-June 21, year unknown.

    1918 schedule of Clarion State Normal School Commencement Exercises - events held June 22-June 26

    Chemistry exam questions (June 20, 1918)

    Cicero exam questions (June 21, 1918)

    Clarion State Normal School brochure outlining available courses of instruction, presumably for 1918-1919.

    Lyrics cards for school songs. Songs included are "Clarion, My Clarion" sung to the tune of "Maryland, My Maryland"; "Service Song" sung to the tune of Glory, Glory Hallelujah"; Alma Mater" sung to the tune of "The Watch on the Rhine"; "Marching Song" sung to the tune of "Onward Christian Soldiers"

    1918 Botany study questions on "the Dandelion"

    Rena Anderson Schedule of classes dated April 8, 1919. (In looking at this schedule, it appears that every student had "chapel" at 8:30 AM.)

    February 1913 issue of "The Clarion"

    June 7, 1919 "Methods" project by Rena Anderson. This appears to be a lesson plan for 7th grade students written by Rena Anderson, perhaps as homework or a project for one of her classes.

    June 7-21, 1919 program for Clarion State Normal School Graduate Recitals

    A paper read at the Franklin Literary Society, March 1919, titled "Great Inventions of the Last 20 Years"

    March 7, 1919 "excuse card" for illness

    March 9, 1919 program for the dedication of honor roll, held at the First Methodist Episcopal Church, Clarion Pa

    A metal watch trinket. (not a real, functioning watch) - Rena Anderson writes in the scrapbook: "The Last night" in Navarre Hall before Christmas we decided to have a Christmas party. Each person bought a present (anything he wished) and gave it to the "Gift Committee". This committee changed names on all the presents and at 9:30 pm Santa Claus (Joe Hayes) distributed the gifts. I received the watch shown below. At 10:30 cocoa and cake was passed around and at 11 pm we departed to our rooms, all voting? it a very pleasant Xmas joy night.", Christmas 1918.

    Rena Anderson writes in the scrapbook, in longhand, the text of a pamphlet that was given to all "Navarre girls" by Miss Givan in the fall term 1918. The text copied is titled, "A Vision."

    Pamphlet titled "30 Reasons for Attending the Clarion State Normal School (n.d.)

    "A Call to the Colors" Rally Day Service program - prepared by the Board of Sunday Schools, and published by The Methodist Book of Concern

    Clarion High School June 7, 1918 Commencement program - held in Normal School Auditorium

    Drawing questions (presumably exam questions)

    June 30, 1919 Clarion State Normal School Annual Concert by the Music Department program.

    Agriculture and Nature Study exam questions (n.d.)

    Methods in Music exam questions (n.d.)

    Methods in Grammar exam questions (n.d.)

    History of Education exam questions (June 26, 1919)

    June 30, 1919 Clarion State Normal School program - special departments, graduating exercises

    June 27, 1919 Clarion State Normal School Thirteenth Annual Contest of the Bancroft and Franklin Literary Societies program

    July 1, 1919 Clarion State Normal School Class Day Exercises program

    June 29, 1919 Baccalaureate Sermon program

    August 1918 issue of "The Clarion"


  • Type
    Mixed Materials
    Container 1 Type
    Container 1 Indicator
    Archives 10-15 Box 3
