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Scrapbook Edit


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Scrapbook 1913-1918
Level of Description


  • 1913 – 1918 (Creation)


  • Scope and Contents

    The creator of this scrapbook is unknown. It appears that perhaps the scrapbook was compiled by a Clarion Normal School office or official, such as an individual in the superintendent's / principal's / president's office. One indication of this possibility is that many of the included letters and memos are unsigned, indicating that they may have been drafts or unofficial copies.

    This scrapbook consists of Clarion State Normal School-related newspaper clippings, correspondence, and mementos from 1913-1918 inserted and pasted within the pages of a book titled, "Special Reports of the Bureau of the Census, Statistics of Cities 1908."

    The inside front cover of the scrapbook contains the message: "Clarion State Normal School was incorporated and Charter issued August 14, 1915. See No. 79 August Term 1915 in the Court of Common Pleas of Clarion County, Pa. The official title is: "Clarion State Normal School of the Thirteenth Normal School District of Pennsylvania." "

    Some of the items included in the scrapbook are listed below. This listing is not comprehensive:

    Program from the June 28, 1913 Ninth Campus Pageant - "Pageant of Liberty" by the students of the Physical Training Department of the Clarion State Normal School.

    Program from the November 25, 1915 Senior class play, "Only a Country Girl."

    Pasted to page 29 of the scrapbook- Letter dated July 14, 1913, with original signature by John Ballentine. The letter states, in part, "The class of 1914 will have a unique history. It will be the first complete class to graduate in the four year course. Up to this time the Normal Schools of Pennsylvania have granted certificates for three years' work. Hereafter a Normal diploma is more valuable. It will be recognized in other states and its possessor will be admitted to colleges of good standing without further examination." The letter also states that "Principal Shafer has resigned."

    Pasted to page 31 - Letter dated July 15, 1913, with original signature by John Ballentine, Vice Principal. The letter states, in part, "The protest of the graduating class and of the alumni against the dismissal of Prof. Wilkinson has received careful consideration. The trustees have reelected him as well as Prof. Ballentine, Welch, Egbert and Miss Givan. The faculty will be almost the same as that of last year. In comparison with the number of students it will be the strongest corps of instructors that the school has ever had. Principal Shafer has resigned. The principalship will be filled in due time."

    Pasted to page 33 - Undated letter, with original signature by John Ballentine. The letter is written to an unknown prospective student.

    Pasted to page 35 - Letter dated July 16, 1913, with original signature by John Ballentine, Vice Principal. the letter is written to prospective students.

    Pasted to page 37 - Undated letter to prospective students, with original signature by John Ballentine, Vice Principal. (This letter is pasted to page 37 of the book.)

    Pasted to page 38-39 - Letter dated July 19, 1913, with original signature by John Ballentine, Vice Principal. In the letter, Ballentine is providing copy to a newspaper for announcements to be published in forthcoming editions. One news item states, "Professor Harry M. Shafer, A.M., Principal of the Clarion State Normal resigned July 11th. The resignation was accepted. the work in the Principal's Office is now in charge of Professor Ballentine, vice Principal."

    Pasted to page 43 - Letter dated September 24, 1913, from John Ballentine, Acting Principal. The letter states, in part, "You will be glad to learn that the Normal has opened most favorably. With one exception, every person admitted to senior standing has returned. There are now thirty-six enrolled in the class of 1914. As we are now passing from the three course to the four year this is a splendid beginning. The junior class at present contains about seventy. This gives good material from which to make a large class for 1915. The sophomore and freshmen classes are large enough to recite in two divisions."

    Inserted between pages 44 and 45 - June 24, 1918 program for the Campus Pageant - "United States and Allies."

    Pasted to page 49 - announcement regarding a new principal for Clarion Normal School, which reads as follows.: "At the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees held Dec. 12, Dr. Andrew Thomas Smith, of Mansfield, was elected Principal of the Clarion Normal School. Dr. Smith has been principal of the Mansfield State Normal School for fourteen years and he has seen there a remarkable period of prosperity and growth. He was educated at the West Chester Normal, Lafayette College, and New York University, and has done post graduate work at the University of Michigan and the University of Pennsylvania. He is an author and lecturer and institute instructor of wide reputation. He is counted as one of the very foremost educators in the state. He has served as Principal of the Soldiers' Orphan School, member of the Faculty at West Chester Normal School and Principal at Mansfield. The positions he has held and the success he has attained demonstrate that he is one of the most tactful executives and successful of school men. Clarion Normal is to be congratulated on securing him as their principal. Clarion has always stood for high ideals in education and we predict that under Dr. Smith's administration the school will soon rank with the very best in the country. The new term will open on Tuesday, December 30."

    Pasted to page 51 in the scrapbook is a brochure providing a biography of the "new principal," Dr. Andrew Thomas Smith.

    Inserted between pages 54 and 55 of the scrapbook is a blank, undated form that states, in part, "I hereby certify that I have carefully read the Rules and Regulations governing the conduct of students in the Clarion State Normal School and I agree on my part that any and all students permitted by the Principal to occupy rooms, or to board, in premises under my charge shall strictly observe the said Rules and Regulations. If any such student shows an unwillingness to comply with the Rules, I will immediately report the case to the Principal." There is space on the form for the names of boarders or roomers to be listed, and a link for a date and a signature.

    Pasted to page 57 - reading list for English Literature

    Pasted to page 59 - Letter dated January 15, 1914 from Andrew Thomas Smith. A note on the letter says it was sent to H.S. principals. The letter states, in part, "Having just come to the Clarion State Normal School, the writer is desirous of getting at once into correspondence with the young people whom this school can reasonably hope to reach."

    Pasted to page 61 - Letter dated January 1914 from Andrew Thomas Smith. A note on the page says it was "put in catalogs and sent to H.S. students." The letter states, in part, "Your name has been sent me as that of one who is now prepared to look toward further schooling away from home. I am accordingly sending you information regarding the Clarion State Normal School, and would urge upon you the wisdom of attending here."

    Pasted to page 63 - Letter dated January 31, 1914 from Andrew thomas Smith. A note on the page says it was "sent to teachers in Huntington Co." The letter states, in part, "I write to present to you some of the claims of the Clarion State Normal School, and by so doing to show the opportunities which lie before you at small cost for completing a professional course of preparation for your life-work."

    Pasted to page 69 - "Reading List #2" - The Victorian Period

    Pasted to page 71 - "American Literature, List # 3"

    Pasted to page 73 - Letter dated March 12, 1914, from Andrew Thomas Smith. A note on the page says it was a "letter sent to teachers." The letter states, in part, "We are anxious to receive the names of young people of your acquaintance who should now be induced to go away from home to a good school. Accordingly we ask you to send to us, upon the enclosed postal card, the names of such young people so that we may bring to their attention the opportjnities offered here."

    Pasted to page 77 - undated letter to "Clarion Normal Alumni" from Andrew Thomas Smith. Letter states in part, "Commencement days will soon be here. We are planning for the exercises of the week and we want the Alumni to have a prominent place in our festivities. We hope you can arrange to come back. "Alumni Day" will be Tuesday, June 23. A number of things are now under way for your entertainment. There will be a big base ball game between the Alumni and the Normal. The "old stars" are already getting warmed up for this game. There will be a big banquet in the evening. It is hoped to make this banquet a record breaker. There will be a number of class re-unions. See that you are here to represent your class if at all possible. Do not miss the Alumni Business meeting."

    Pasted to page 79 - lyric sheet for song "Clarion, My Clarion," sung to the tune of "Maryland, My Maryland."

    Lyric sheet for song "Praise Song," adapted from "Dartmouth Song."

    Lyric sheet for "Service Song," sung to the tune of "Glory, Glory Hallelujah."

    Pasted to page 85 - Lyric sheet for "Marching Song," sung to the tune of "Onward Christian Soldiers."

    Pasted to page 87 - Lyric sheet for "Alma Mater," sung to the tune of "The Watch on the Rhine."

    Pasted to page 93 - State Board Examinations schedule for June 18, 19, 20, 1914

    Pasted to page 94 and 95 - booklet of school songs (lyrics only)

    Pasted to page 97 - appears to be test questions for "Methods in History and Geography" and "Philosophy of Education."

    Pasted to page 99 - Training School Commencement program - Thursday, June 11, 1914, 8:00 PM.

    Pasted to page 101 - Commencement Exercises program - Wednesday, June 24, 1914, 10:00 AM.

    Pasted to page 103 - Class Day program - Tuesday, June 23, 1914

    Pasted to page 105 - Clarion State Normal School Commencement Calendar, 1914 and a commencement week invitation.

    Pasted to page 107 - Training School Commencement program - Thursday, June 11, 1914, 8:00 PM.

    Pasted to page 108 - Program for Concert by the Graduates of the Music Department of the Clarion State Normal School - June 22, 1914. Director of Music, Miss Elsie Stahlman.

    Pasted to page 109 - Program for Annual Contest between Bancroft and Franklin Literary Societies - June 20, 1914

    Pasted to page 113 - Letter dated August 8, 1914, with original signature by Amos P. Reese. The letter is to alumni of the class of 1914, asking for information about their "location, employment, etc."

    Pasted to page 115 - Card sent to alumni asking for information about members of the class of 1913. One of the cards is addressed to "Miss Ruth Walters," Clarion, PA.

    Inserted between pages 116 and 117 - Letter dated July 20, 1918, to the "graduates of the Clarion State Normal School" from C.C. Green, Principal (no signature included.) The letter makes reference to the war. An excerpt: "The Clarion State Normal School now comes to you with an urgent appeal for your counsel and support. Educational institutions have been seriously affected by war conditions and your alma mater is no exception. While it is true that state normal schools receive financial assistance from the State, the amoung of such assistance is conditional upon the number of students enrolled. This fact under war conditions have brought about a keen rivalry among the various schools in the securing of students. The Clarion State Normal School welcomes such activity, but the final result will depend in a large degree upon the manner in which the alumni rally to our support. It is not alone for your alma mater that we urge you to use your influence in sending students to us. There is a patriotic reason for doing so. The public schools of the nation are now suffering a serious shortage of teachers. Those institutions which exist for the training of teachers have been asked by our government to exert every legitimate influence to recruit the army of teachers whose function it is to labor to make "democracy safe for the world" while our boys in France are fighting to "make the world safe for democracy." We confidently believe that we are not only performing a patriotic service for our country when we urge young men and women to receive training for teaching in the public schools, but we believe that we are pointing the way to a profession which has a very bright future."

    Pasted to page 117 - menu for the November 27, 1913 Thanksgiving Dinner, held in Navarre Hall. Interestingly for wartime, in the menu, it states, "The American Eagle: The Thanksgiving Turkey. May one give us peace in all our states And the other a piece for all our plates."

    Pasted to page 121 - Exam questions for "Plane Trigonometry" - June 16, 1913

    Pasted to page 123 - Exam questions for "Senior German."

    Pasted to page 125 - Exam questions for "Methods in History and Geography" - June, 1913

    Pasted to page 126 - Exam questions for "Geology"

    Pasted to page 127 - Exam questions for "Ethics"

    Pasted to page 145 - Program for Senior Class Play, 1915 - Thanksgiving evening, November 26, 1914

    Pasted to page 149 - post card advertising Clarion State Normal School, addressed to Mr. Wade Korb (or Karb?), Helvetia, PA.

    Pasted to page 154 - advertising brochure for the Normal School - "Ambition, Brains, Courage, are the A. B. C's. of Success."

    Pasted to page 155 - Clarion State Normal School Commencement Calendar 1915

    Pasted to page 156 - invitation to commencement week exercises, June 20-23, 1915 and program from a recital held in Normal Auditorium, Saturday, May 29, 1915

    Pasted to page 157 - program for Graduation Recital in Normal Auditorium - June 21, 1915. Director of Music: Elsie Stahlman Warburton.

    Pasted to pages 158-159 - Programs for the Eleventh Campus Pageant, June 21, 1915 - "Universal Peace" - Physical Training Department

    Pasted to page 160 - Model School Entertainment program - Saturday, May 15, 1915, 7:30 PM.

    Pasted to page 161 - program for Annual Contest between Bancroft and Franklin Literary Societies - Clarion State Normal School - Saturday, June 19, 1915

    Pasted to page 162 - Commencement Exercises program - Wednesday, June 23, 1915, 10:00 AM.

    Pasted to page 163 - schedule for State Board Examinations, Clarion State Normal School, June 14, 15, 16, 1915

    Pasted to page 165 - program from a song recital by Mrs. Betsy Lane Shepherd, Scranton PA in the auditorium of Clarion State Normal School, Friday evening, April 9, 1915

    Pasted to page 173 - program for Clarion State Normal School Christmas Vesper Service - December 12, 1915

    Pasted to page 188 - program for Model School Commencement - Normal Auditorium, Wednesday, June 14, 1916, 8:00 PM.

    Pasted to page 189 - Class Day program, presumably 1916

    Pasted to page 190 - State Board Examination Schedule for Seniors, 1916

    Pasted to page 193 - invitation card to commencement week exercises June 24-28, 1916 and 1916 Clarion State Normal School Commencement Calendar

    Pasted to page 196 - program from the Tenth Annual Contest of the Bancroft and Franklin Literary Societies - Saturday, June 24, 1916

    Pasted to page 198 - program for Shakespearian Dance Festival - Monday, June 26, 1916, 2:00 PM

    Pasted to page 199 - program for Commencement Exercises - Wednesday, June 28, 1916, 9:00 AM

    Pasted to page 209 - Letter dated October 30, 1917 from Amos Reese, which references war time. The letter states, in part, "In this year of war, it is the fear of many school principals and instructors that comparatively few boys and girls will seize the opportunity of pursuing training along educational lines higher than that offered in the grammar grades or high schools. In this letter I appeal to you from a purely patriotic standpoint, to influence and induce your young friends who are about to seek higher training, to direct their attention to the great opportunities offered at the Clarion State Normal School, and to drive home to them, as only a graduate can, the knowledge that it is with such a training as they will receive here that they will be prepared to meet the great needs of the reconstruction period which will be inevitable once peace is declared. Whether the war lasts or not, the world needs and will need for many years, trained minds, [sic] If it does last, there will be a great call for men to lead our forces, for men to govern our industries and transportation, and for women who can take the places at home of those who have already gone abroad. If the war is over in a comparatively short time, there will be the great countries of France, Italy and Belgium, as well as those of the Central powers, to be rebuilt. It is the trained men and women of the United States who must do all this, as well as to rebuild and reconstruct the educational, industrial and commercial systems of practically all Europe."

    Pasted to page 214 - Clarion State Normal School Class Day program, 1917

    Pasted to page 215 - program for Clarion State Normal School senior class play, "All-of-a Sudden Peggy," by Ernest Denny - Thanksgiving evening, November 30, 1916, 8:00 PM - Normal Auditorium

    Pasted to page 216 - program for Commencement Exercises - Clarion State Normal School - Tuesday, July 3, 1917, 9:00 AM.

    Inserted between pages 216 and 217 - list of Commencement Exercises, 1918


  • Type
    Mixed Materials
    Container 1 Type
    Container 1 Indicator
    Archives 10-15 Box 3
