It takes a lot of hard work and effort to be a professional teacher or educator. It requires effort to go that extra mile for the students who need it, and it takes patience to continually grow and truly understand one’s craft as a teacher. That is why, to bring professionalism in teaching, a teacher is always learning and growing their craft for professional development. They are on an endless journey where they are always looking for new ideas or teaching strategies, ways to improve their skills, or new information that will help their students to succeed. Thus, they develop their professionalism and style in teachings through a set of values, behaviours and relationships that underpins the trust that the students have in their teachers. When it comes to instruction, it has been said that “hope” is not a strategy. A teacher cannot simply teach a lesson and “hope” students understand. Fortunately, there are proven and reliable instructional strategies that engage students in rigorous lessons at the same time it is important to note that there is not a “one-size-fits-all” instructional strategy. Whereas effective instructional strategies are proven ways that help students learn material and retain information. Beyond being an evaluative component, differentiation is necessary in order to maximize student success. Our students have diverse academic needs, and it is up to the teachers to ensure that each unique need is met through their teaching professionalism and style.