The materials in this file are believed to be from an individual's files, rather than from an official transfer of SSHELCO records.
Contains misc. materials such as information sharing reports; SSHELCO 2001-2005 Strategic Plan; SSHELCO March 8-9, 2001 meeting notes (minutes); SSHELCO May 8, 2001 meeting notes (minutes); 3/8/01 SSHELCO Treasurer's Report; 6/7/01 Treasurer's Report; SSHELCO December 9-10, 1999 meeting notes (minutes); SSHELCO November 15, 2001 agenda, clipped to a packet of supporting materials; correspondence re: Children's Internet Protection Act; SSHELCO June 7, 2001 meeting notes (minutes); SSHELCO March 8-9, 2001 meeting agenda; SSHELCO 2001-2006 Strategic Plan; etc.