Contains misc. materials including correspondence; information sharing reports; treasurer's reports; May 16-17, 2002 SSHELCO meeting minutes (held at Millersville University); September 19-20, 2002 SSHELCO meeting minutes (held at Clarion University); November 8, 2002 SSHE Serials Librarian Meeting minutes; November 21-22, 2002 SSHELCO meeting minutes (held in Harrisburg); January 16, 2003 SSHELCO meeting (telephone conference) minutes; March 20, 2003 SSHELCO meeting minutes (held in Harrisburg); May 22-23, 2003 SSHELCO meeting agenda (held at Kutztown); misc. KLN reports and working papers; statistical reports; staff directories for various libraries; and documents including "Keystone Library Network Universal Borrowing Implementation Project Assessment Report" (dated May 19, 2003); "State System of Higher Education Libraries Council Strategic Plan, 2001-2005 - Change, Innovation, and Leadership"; Draft "State System of Higher Education Libraries Council [Revised] Bylaws" (dated Sept. 23, 1999, with another copy dated Sept. 14, 1999); "State System of Higher Education Libraries Council SSHELCO By-Laws" (revised Sept. 1994); "SSHELCO's Governance/Communication Structure to Provide Participation by SSHE Library Personnel in the Keystone Library Network"; "SSHELCO Library Personnel " roster (dated 3/20/02); "State System of Higher Education Libraries Council SSHE Library Data, Academic Year 2001-2002; Proposed Keystone Library Network Membership and Governance Policy" (dated June 30, 1999); "Keystone Library Network Membership and Governance Policy" (dated July 8, 1998); "02/03 Database Cost Analysis; Endeavor Information Systems Inc. Permanent Agreement for Computer Software" (dated July 29, 2002); etc.