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Increasing HCV Screening Using Electronic Medical Records in a Family Practice Setting Edit


190 - 01 - 04 - Increasing HCV Screening


  • 2018 (Creation)


  • 1 Files (Whole)

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  • Abstract

    Publisher: Edinboro, Pa. : Edinboro University of Pennsylvania ; Clarion, Pa. : Clarion University of Pennsylvania

    Publication Date: 2018

    Format: 1 online resource (33 pages) : illustrations, charts. text file PDF


    This study was a non-experimental, cross-sectional design with retrospective electronic medical data review to assess the effectiveness of an EMR intervention in Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) screening for those born between 1945-1965 birth cohort. The study measures three months pre-EMR provider prompt and three months post-EMR provider prompt. Screening, statistically the patients who met HCV screening criteria increased from 27.9% to 72.1% post-EMR provider prompt screen. With the increase in screening, the study showed an increase overall HCV testing from 5.6% to 37.6% post-EMR provider prompt screen. This increase in both screening and testing for HCV, allows the possibility to capture those undiagnosed Hepatitis C patients and provide the patient with appropriate linkage to care to decrease overall morbidity and mortality within the given birth cohort. The success of utilizing an EMR prompting system, will allow the opportunity for further research in other aspects of health maintenance.

  • Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

    Available only in electronic format.

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