Archives has:
March 7, [????] Announcement of lecture by and biographical information for John Williams; April 18, [????] Poster for Dr. Richard W. Cottam lecture - "C.I.A. and American Diplomacy"; April 20, [????] Poster for Dr.Ngo Dinh Ta lecture - "Land and People of Viet Nam"; October 26, 1972 K.Leroy Irvis - "Black Americans and the Political Process"; September 6, 1974 Invitation to lecture September 30 by Julius Blum -"The Trade Relationship Between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R"; September 30, 1974 Announcement for October 3 lecture by Ellen Peck - "Pronatalism-The Myth of Mom and Apple Pie’; February 13, 1975 Invitation to February 25 lectures by Alexander Sergeevich Ilyushin and Rosemary Pease; [February 12, 1980] Biographical information for Benjamin Lawson Hooks; November 21, 1984 Announcement of November 27 lectures by Franklin C Stark and Carlyn Kaiser Stark with Biographical Information; November 30, 1987 Poster for John Horgan lecture - "Whither Ireland"; April 18, 1990 "The Black Athlete: Winners or Losers in Academia?"; January 11, 1995 Announcement of February 2 lectures by Dr. Leonard Ackerman and Dr. and Mrs. John Reed; April 29[11], 1995 Announcement of May 4 lecture by Drs. Engel Tagirov and Shamil Valitov; April 17, 1996 Poster for M. Stanton Evans lecture- "The Roots of Religous Liberty"
Publisher: [Clarion, Pa. : Clarion University of Pennsylvania]