ArchivesSpace Public Interface

Between Worlds Edit


Component Unique Identifier
Between Worlds, 1960-1962
Level of Description


  • 1960 – 1962 (Creation)

Agent Links


  • Scope and Contents

    Gilbert Neiman founded "Between Worlds" and served as its editor while employed at Inter American University, San German, Puerto Rico.

    This folder contains a bound volume of three issues of "Between Worlds."

    Vol. 1, No. 1 - Summer 1960

    Vol. 1, No. 2 - 1961

    Vol. 2, No. 1 - 1962

    It is believed that these are the only three issues ever published.

    The authors published in "Between Worlds" are:

    Edward Abbey

    Daisy Aldan

    Jack Anderson

    A. Adalbert Anduze

    Felix Anselm

    Alan Ansen

    Rosanne Archer

    Josephus Bakker

    Kenneth Beaudoin

    Andre Breton

    Harold Briggs

    William Burroughs

    Jaime Carrero

    Primo Castrillo

    Richard Hartley Chase

    Barney Childs

    David Christie

    John Ciardi

    Rhoda Clark

    Jean Cocteau

    Maria Colon

    Tram Combs

    Gregory Corso

    Edward Cortese

    Malcolm Cowley

    Robert Creeley

    Robert Dash

    David Cornel DeJong

    George Dillon

    Edward Dorn

    George Dowden

    Marcel Duchamp

    Luis H. Echevarria

    Russell Edson

    Larry Eigner

    Hans Magnus Enzensberger

    Robert Escalante

    Lawrence Ferlinghetti

    A. Finzetto

    Bettie Fulbright

    Gabriel Gersh

    Barbara Gibbs

    Allen Ginsberg

    Louis Ginsberg

    Francis Golffing

    Ida Affleck Graves

    Howard Griffin

    Barbara Guest

    Nicholas Guillen

    Paddy Harris

    Lee Richard Hayman

    Leslie Woolf Hedley

    Herman Hesse

    Jack Hirschman

    Anselm Hollo

    H. Hriday

    David Ignatow

    Rose Graubert Ignatow

    E. Irizarry-Acaron

    Claire Pierre Johnson

    Alain Jouffroy

    Robert Kelly

    Kenneth Koch

    Raymond E. F. Larsson

    Martin Last

    Jean-Jacquies Lebel

    Jack L. Leonard

    Lillian Lowenfels

    Walter Lowenfels

    Robert Lowry

    Mina Loy

    Robin Magowan

    Ben Mahmud

    Jeanne McGahey

    Henry Miller

    Rosalie Moore

    John Morales

    Carl Morse

    Crispus Mingai Ndeli

    Gilbert Neiman (G. N.)

    Clinton Nichols

    Anais Nin

    Harold Norse

    Gil Orlovitz

    David Ossman

    Alfred Perles

    Christopher Perret

    John Pflaum

    Bern Porter

    Fairfield Porter

    John Cowper Powys

    James Purdy

    E. Michael Rasmussen

    Man Ray

    Srinivas Rayaprol

    Sir Herbert Read

    Paul Reps

    Tim Reynolds

    Clement Richer

    Salvador Roig

    Harry Roskolenko

    Jerome Rothenberg

    Sanders Russell

    d'Erik Satie

    Maurice Schneuwly

    Ramon Sender

    Richard Smith

    Gary Snyder

    Cristoforo Spaccazocchi

    Lawrence P. Spingarn

    Tracy Thompson

    Chaeo Tze-chiang

    Jose Vales

    Jean Varda

    Derek Walcott

    David R. Wang

    Arnold Weinstein

    Philip Whalen

    Richard Wilbur

    John Williams

    Jonathan Williams

    William Carlos Williams

    Joyce Wittenborn


  • Type
    Container 1 Type
    Container 1 Indicator
    Archives 160-03-03-001 Box 12
