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Pennsylvania Black Conference on Higher Education Records Edit


Component Unique Identifier
Pennsylvania Black Conference on Higher Education Records
Level of Description


  • 1971 – 2022 (Creation)


  • 36 Boxes (Whole)
  • 1 Containers (Whole)


  • Biographical / Historical

    The information is this section is quoted directly from several pages on the PBCOHE web site as of 11-25/2008:

    Formed in 1970, the PBCOHE is a not-for-profit, (501) (C) (3) organization, a Pennsylvania professional association whose purpose is to ensure that African Americans and other underrepresented groups have access to higher Education in the Commonwealth.

    In 1970, the Honorable K. Leroy Irvis, Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania convened a conference of Black college presidents, vice presidents, deans, department chairs, directors, teachers, and other needed political leaders and professionals. In response to the needs of African American students, faculty, staff, and administration this conference was created to provide needed input into the formation of a master plan for higher education. As part of the Master Plan, the PBCOHE was formed.

    The PBCOHE is made up of African Americans and other underrepresented professionals from the public and private sector, education, business, social services, law, and government agencies that have a deep commitment to improving and ensuring the education of underrepresented students. The PBCOHE focuses on key issues affecting the future of higher education in Pennsylvania and provides input to the various sectors of government, education and community leaders that impact the lives of underrepresented groups at Pennsylvania colleges and universities. In addition to advocating for policies and issues in higher education, PBCOHE provides support and professional development opportunities through its scholarship program, the annual conference, the Robert D. Lynch Student Leadership Development Institute (SLDI), the Institute for Educational Management and Leadership (IEML), and the Pennsylvania Black Conference on Higher Education Journal.

    PBCOHE is composed of a general membership and executive council. The executive council is the policy-making and planning body of the organization. It consists of elected and appointed officers, as well as standing committee chairpersons. The general membership is divided into three regions: central, eastern, and western. Each region elects a regional director, who conducts programs and activities that are of interest to the regional members throughout the year.

  • Custodial History

    In special circumstances, active organizations may loan or deposit their records with the Clarion University Archives with the understanding that the items will be donated outright with legal transfer of title and copyright at a later date. A deposit allows an organization to place its records or materials in the physical custody of the Archives for safekeeping without immediately transferring the title of ownership.

    The bulk of the papers of the Pennsylvania Black Conference on Higher Education, also referred to as PBCOHE, were transferred to the Clarion University Archives sometime between 2001 and 2004. At that time, employees that were working with archival materials began an arrangement of the collection by year. Because of this work that had already been done, the archivist decided to proceed with that arrangement while processing the initial collection. At the time of the initial transfer, no offical agreement (deed of gift or deposit agreement) was negotiated. During the summer of 2008, the PBCOHE negotiated an official deposit agreement with the Clarion University Archives, which was signed in October, 2008 by Dr. Brenda S. De'de' (Assistant Vise President for Academic Affairs and PBCOHE Representative), Dr. Terry Latour (Dean of University Libraries), and Corene Glotfelty (archivist).

  • Legal Status

    The major terms of this deposit agreement include:

    1. The depositor (PBCOHE) retains legal ownership of the deposited physical items / records and their copyright during the period of deposit. If the organization should dissolve and cease to be active, the title and copyright to the materials will, at that time, be automatically transferred to Clarion University of Pennsylvania. This Deposit Agreement then becomes a Deed of Gift.

    2. The depositor may not temporarily or permanently remove items / records deposited in the Archives.

    3. The deposited items / recodw will be available to the public in the Archives at no cost after they are organized, physically stabilized, and prepared for use. The archivist reserves the right to refuse public access to items / records that have not been processed, that are fragile, or that need repair.

    4. Materials from the PBCOHE collection cannot be checked out of the Archives, and must be used on-site. However, researchers, members of the public, or past members of the depositing organization may request copies of documents or scans of documents for research and study purposes, subject to the Archives' duplication policy.

  • Preferred Citation

    The suggested citation to the collection is:

    Pennsylvania Black Conference on Higher Education Collection, Clarion University Archives, Carlson Library, Clarion University of Pennsylvania.

  • Scope and Contents

    The bulk of the collection consists of PBCOHE conference planning documentation, miscellaneous supporting documentation, correspondence, financial reports, and reports.

  • Processing Information

    The original donation is organized by year from 1973 - 2009. Any materials already organized in folders or binders upon receipt retained the original organizational order within the folders, and folder titles and contents are described in the container list. Other materials that were found without the original order or folders evident have been organized into folders (series) for each year. In these cases, the main series identified are: Workshop/Conference Documentation; Meeting Minutes; Correspondence; Financial Reports; Reports; and Miscellaneous. For some years, additional series such as Videos, Proclamations/Certificates or PBCOHE Journal were added to address special, unique materials. For some years, there is a combination of materials that arrived in original order, and others that did not. In those cases, the original folders for the year are presented first followed by the imposed series (designated as years for the folder titles in the container listing.) Some folders came with materials for multiple / overlapping years. In order to retain the order of these files, a separate section of the container listing describes the contents of these folders. The format of organization changes somewhat over the years, as organizational record-keeping systems changed and evolved through the administration of various PBCOHE presidents.

    Following the processing of the initial collection, the Archives received regular additions to the collection. These materials have been processed as accretions in the folders following the bulk of the original collection. Any materials that arrived in folders have maintained the original folder headings. Any loose leaf materials not were organized into the previously mentioned series.

    Important note: Researchers should check the year that they're interested in researching plus the year before and after it, since planning documentation for an upcoming conference is often begun the previous year, and follow-up reporting on a previous conference is sometimes done the following year. Researchers may very well miss potentially valuable documents if they focus strictly on one year. Similarly, the "correspondence" series for applicable years should not be overlooked. Often information on activities was attached to a letter, FAX, or memo, and was therefore placed in the correspondence series. Researchers may also notice that, often, the miscellaneous and reports series contain undated items or items from a year other than the date on the folder. In these cases, the items were so grouped because they arrived with materials / papers of that year, and are therefore believed to have been consulted and used during the PBCOHE's work for that year.

    Also, many folders of documentation that arrived from the PBCOHE contain unexpected forms of documentation within the folder. For example, a folder that came labeled as "correspondence" may contain some meeting minutes and agendas in addition to correspondence. Researchers may wish to look through all folders of a relevant time period to make sure that they are not missing any potentially valuable information.

  • Arrangement

    Series Descriptions:

    Workshop/Conference Documentation: This series contains materials directly related to the planning of the annual conference and other related meetings. Contains materials such as workshop/conference descriptions; workshop/conference agendas, tentative agendas; annual PBCOHE conference program booklets; conference registration information; documentation regarding annual regional meetings; registration forms; conference advertising information, etc.

    Meeting Minutes: This series contains meeting agendas and/or minutes from PBCOHE groups including representative council, publicity committee, conference registration committee, business meetings, regional branches (i.e. Central Region), etc. Minutes are arranged by date for each year applicable. Early meeting minutes were submitted on forms with the header, "PA Human Relations Commission - Division of Education Contact Report." Note: some meeting minutes contain financial report information if it was formatted as meeting minutes rather than a separate report. (Some financial information can also be found in the correspondence series if the information was formatted as a memo). Some meeting agenda information can also be found in the correspondence series if it was formatted as a memo.

    Correspondence: This series is arranged by date for each year applicable, and consists of letters, memos, faxes, e-mail printouts, letter drafts, etc. Note: Some items in the correspondence series contain financial report/budget information, meeting agenda/minutes information or other information, if it was formatted as a memo or attached to a memo.

    Financial Reports: This series is arranged by date for each year applicable, and contains fund raising information, budget reports, annual conference financial reports, treasurer's reports, budget requests, invoices, copies of checks, etc. Note: Financial information is also filed in the meeting minutes and correspondence series if formatted as such.

    Reports: This series contains special reports prepared FOR the PBCOHE by various individuals representing certain organizations, as well as reports issued BY the PBCOHE. PBCOHE committee reports, membership reports, membership rosters, membership directories, and reports from related organizations are included. To facilitate research, each report included is listed in the container listing.

    Miscellaneous: This series contains supporting documentation in the PBCOHE collection that do not fit within other series or categories. To facilitate research, each miscellaneous item is listed in the container listing below.

    Proclamations/Certificates: This series contains official letters, certificates, or awards recognizing the PBCOHE, and signed by city, state, or federal government officials.

    PBCOHE Journal: This series contains issues of the PBCOHE Journal.

    Passport to Success: This series contains issues of "Passport to Success," a PCOHE publication.

    Videos: This series contains PBCOHE media items in VHS tape and DVD format.


  • Type
    Container 1 Type
    Container 1 Indicator
    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 1 1973-1993
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    Container 1 Type
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 2 1994-1996
  • Type
    Container 1 Type
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 3 1997-1998
  • Type
    Mixed Materials
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 4 1998-1999
  • Type
    Container 1 Type
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 5 1999-2000
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 6 2000-2002
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    Container 1 Type
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 7 2002-2003
  • Type
    Mixed Materials
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 8 2003-2005
  • Type
    Mixed Materials
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 9 2005-2008
  • Type
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 10 2009 -
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 11 Overlapping Years
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 12
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    Mixed Materials
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 13
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 14
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 15
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 16
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 17
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 18
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 19
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 20
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 21
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 22
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 23
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 24
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 25
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 26
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 27
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 28
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    Archives Map Case Drawer 2
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 30
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 31
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 32
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 33
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 34
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 35
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 36
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    Archives 670-001: PA Black Conference on Higher Education Records Box 37


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