Series: Miscellaneous
Copy of 105th Congress - 1st Session - H.R. 1909
Copy of newspaper article dated September 24, 1997 - "GOP Moves Against Race, Sex Set-Asides: Highway Bill's Preferences are First Target"
Copy of newspaper article dated September 23, 1997 from the Tacoma News Tribune - "GOP Backs I-200"
PBCOHE Annual Conference Listing
PBCOHE Officer Nomination Announcement
Suggested Procedures for Establishing the Ron Brown Scholarship
Paper titled "The Case for Affirmative Action" on "Leadership Conference on Civil Rights" letterhead.
ACLU Press Release Copy - "Federal Appeals Court Judges Issue Dissents About Prop. 209 Decision"
PA Department of Education - Teachers for the Twenty-First Century: Pennsylvania's Teacher Preparation Initiative: Proposed General Standards for Professional Educator Programs (dated December 15, 1997)
Advertisement for publication: "Issues and Trends in Contemporary African Politics: Stability, Development, and Democratization" - edited by George Akeya Agbango
Hand-written notes on back of a Penn State folder
Edinboro University of PA "Request for Travel" form for Richard E. Arnold - dated October 27, 1997 for travel to PBCOHE