Contains conference planning documentation; meeting minutes; correspondence; financial information; and materials from a 3-ring binder with the headings/divisions of: Conference Chair - John McDaniel; Assistant Conference Chair - Cheryl Rice-Moore; Treasurer - Leah Williams; Fund Raising - John McDaniel; Evaluation - Eveliena Holmes; Awards - Loretta Ramsey; Professional Workshops - Carrie Spann; Plenary Speakers - Gail Brown, Sonya White; Meals and Hospitality - Jacqueline Starks; Scholarships - Judith Thomas; Conference Vice-Chair - Virgil Perry; Legislative Panel - Blondell Reynolds-Brown; Conference Booklet - Senetra Rogers; Entertainment - Joseph Grier; Facilities - Shantia McCoy; Graduate Schools Vendors - Shantia McCoy; Media Relations - Oeneen Rose; Academic Forum - Virgil Perry; Registration - Stewart Callowy; Student Workshops - Candace Powell; Minutes; Agendas; Attendance; Mailing Lists. Note: Many of these sub-divisions are empty - no contents.