Contains misc. materials, including: "Constitution and Bylaws of the PBCOHE" - Revised, 1998; PBCOHE Western Region Annual Conference Summary Reprt - 9/1/98 through 5/21/99; PBCOHE Annual Planning Retreat (June 4-5, 1999) agenda; Statistical Indicators of Progress - People of Color and Higher Education in Pennsylvania - dated June 5, 1999; correspondence; draft of conference planning handbook; Xerox copy of PBCOHE brochure - "Promoting Minority Access and Advancement in Higher Education"; PBCOHE Statement of Revenue and Expenses; 99 PBCOHE Checking Summary Report - 1/1/99 through 6/2/99; PBCOHE Retreat Registration and Agenda '99; 29th Annual Conference final report; Report - "The Institute for Educational Management and Leadership; A Review" - presented to PBCOHE - June 4, 1999; PBCOHE Teacher Training DRAFT Proposal - April 30, 1999 (Revised Draft); Booklet - "African American Caucus Resource and Information Guide" - Clarion University - May 1999; etc.