This folder was originally titled as 2002, but most of the materials contained therein are older:
The Case for Affirmative Action by John S. Shropshire - February 26-March 1, 1997
The Case for Affirmative Action - Clarion Area High School - Jan. 24, 2000 - John S. Shropshire - Clarion County Commissioner
Making the Case for Affirmative Action in Higher Education: A Handbook for Organizers - What You Can Do to Safeguard Affirmative Action on Campus and in Your Community - The American Council on Education - Fall 1995
The Case for Affirmative Action - John S. Shropshire - PASSCAC Conference 1996; Hershey, PA
Taking a Curriculum Perspective: A Faculty Conversation - Alverno College Curriculum Committee, Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin - copyrighted 1998, reprinted 2002