This letter is circa 1951 and invites purchase of the Second Edition of "Who's Who in the West."
Included with the letter is an order form for "Who's Who in the West" and a gallery proof of Gilbert Neiman's entry to have been published in "Who's Who in the West."
Neiman's entry on the galley proof reads as follows and provides valuable biographical information:
NEIMAN, Gilbert, author; born at Whitewater, Kan., Nov. 24, 1912; s. George David and Edna (Bishop) N.: A.B., Univ. of Colo., 1936; m. Margaret Goodwin, Aug. 26, 1924 (div. 1948); 1 dau., Ariane; m. 2d Carol Jones Baker, May 31, 1950. Actor 1929-32; labor relations specialist, F.S.A., W.F.A., 1941-43; instr. in Spanish, U. of Colo., 1943-45; head dept. English and Spanish, Meeker High School. Member Mental Hygiene Society of Alameda County (dir.). Author: Blood Weding (play transcribed from Federico Garcia Lorca), New Directions, 1939; Lazarus Laughs, Accent. 1945; (poetry) The Anarchic Architect, 1941; (novel) There is a Tyrant in Every Country, 1947. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Sigma Iota. Home: Meeker, Colo.